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  • info@brainbeirut.org

Our Team

Dr. Said Hadife

Dr. Said Hadifeh est un professionnel polyvalent avec des réalisations remarquables dans divers domaines. En tant que directeur du département d'hospitalisation à la compagnie d'assurance Al-Mashreq, il siège également au Conseil d'arbitrage des assurances auprès du ministère de l'Économie. Avec une expertise dans les questions d'assurance, il a été reconnu par des prix prestigieux tels que le "PRIX SAPHIR" pour la meilleure success story en 2016 et un bouclier d'appréciation lors de la Conférence régionale sur l'assurance maladie au Caire en 2018. Il a également représenté le Liban dans de nombreuses conférences locales et internationales. Dans ses activités littéraires, le Dr. Hadifeh est l'auteur de poésies et de bandes dessinées portant sur l'assurance maladie. Il est également un prolifique compositeur de chansons, contribuant aux œuvres d'artistes renommés et composant des chansons patriotiques. Dans l'ensemble, la carrière du Dr. Said Hadifeh reflète un mélange d'excellence professionnelle et de talent créatif.Top of Form

Joelle Jabaly Hadifeh

Joelle Jabaly Hadifeh, with a background in Business Management, is actively involved in the Scale One-Alpha project as a business consultant. Leveraging her expertise in management and strategic planning, Joelle plays a pivotal role in driving the success and development of the project, contributing her insights and skills to its advancement.

Cesar Khatounian

Cesar Khatounian, a graduate of ESIB with a Bachelor's degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering and a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, currently holds the positions of Managing Director at Synergy Consulting in KSA and CEO at Greenergy SAL in Lebanon. He is also a founding member of the Lebanese Foundation for Renewable Energy (LFRE).

Michel Salameh

Michel Salameh Saad holds a law degree from the Lebanese University, obtained in 1990, and joined the Bar Association as a trainee lawyer in 1992. Since 1996, he has served as an appellate lawyer and is a member of the Syrian Refugee Crisis Monitoring Committee at the Bar Association. Additionally, he has been the mayor of Rmehalla since 2007 and served as the president of the Union of Municipalities of West Chouf and Chahhar from 2016 to 2019. Since 2019, he has held the position of vice president of the Union of Municipalities of West Chouf and Chahhar.

Nassib Semaan

Nassib Semaan graduated from the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1989. Later, in 2005, he completed an Executive MBA program at ESA (École Supérieure des Affaires).

Fouad Sassine

Fouad Sassine is a skilled professional with a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design. With a strong background in design, he has excelled in his role as the Commercial Manager for Furniture at Aishti, demonstrating expertise in the furniture industry and a keen eye for design trends and customer preferences.

Elie Nacouzi

Elie Nacouzi is a member of Brain Beirut Team with a Master's degree in Business and Management.

With expertise in operations management, he is a business consultant focusing on the MENA region.

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